Check out everything lifestyle here! I will share all my tips and tricks with you including topics like fitness, makeup, food, etc.
I love You to the Mountains and Back
Nature in general gives us healing energy. I love you to the Mountains and Back-
Say Whaaaa? Mushroom Coffee?
I love my coffee, but I am trying this coffee substitute called Mushroom Coffee. The ingredients are beneficial and if I can start my day with super food as a beverage then I will give it a try. I have notice improved focus. Make sure this doesn’t interfere with any medicationsl
Saturday Morning Thoughts
Finding who you are, finding why things trouble you isn’t easy. Going within takes work.
I Am Worth it
Does something live inside of you but you stifled it for some reason; maybe even because you had fear or didn’t think you could or you didn’t think you were worth it? Lay down those limiting beliefs and know that you are worth it. Whether others believe in you or not-believe in you.
Pop Up-Studio 11 Style
Studio 11 Style set up a POP UP shop in Downtown Chillicothe to show collections and bring together community. On a scale from 1 to 10- You’re an 11 !
Is It Change Or Growth ? -Debbie Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. -Aristotle
Are you changing or growing? While changes can come from the outside, growth comes from within you.
Know Your Power
Know Your Power. This incredibly profound. You can also find this sweatshirt at www.studio11style.com
Sedona, Arizona
One of the places we visited was Peace Park in Sedona. The photo is of a Stupa-a Buddhist Shrine
Use These For Travel
I use my Studio 11 Style zipper bags for a lot of things. Share how you use them. xo